Sensory Storytime Information
Each Regional Library System has a Autism Sensory Resources kit that can be circulated to regional librarians. These kits contain materials useful for creating a welcoming environment for patrons on the Autism Spectrum, such as fidgets and sensory stimulation toys, calming bottles and noise reduction headphones, and sample worry cards and program activities. The kits also contain educational materials to allow library staff to learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder and advice for librarians interested in creating programs, such as Sensory Storytimes, for patrons with sensory disabilities.
Autism Sensory Resources kits can be checked out through your regional library system.
The following resources contain advice and ideas for creating sensory storytime programs:
- Beyond Sensory Storytime: Expanding Library Services to Children with Special Needs by Renee Grassi
- Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder & the Library: How to Create Programs for this Growing Population by Ashely Waring
- Open Door: Special Needs Storytime by Heather Ketron
- Programming for Children and Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Barbara Klipper
- Programming for the Spectrum: Developing Inclusive Children’s Programs for Children on the Autism Spectrum by Heather Dieffenbach
- Sensory Story Time: A Program Designed for Families of Children with Autism from the Akron Summit Library
- Sensory Story Time Visual Schedule from the Seattle Public Library
- Sensory Storytime (For 3- 5 Year Olds) by Barbara Klipper
- Sensory Storytime How-To Guide from the Tulsa City-County Library Sensory Storytime Pilot Committee
- Sensory Storytime Outline from the Tompkins County Public Library
- Sensory Storytime: A Year (plus) in Review by Ashley Waring
- Sensory Storytime: Begins with ALSC! by Renee Grassi
- Sensory Storytime: Preschool Programming that Makes Sense for Kids with Autism by Tricia Bohanon Twarogowski
- Sensory Storytime: Roadmap, Tools, and Ideas by Laura Baldassari-Hackstaff and Laura Olson
- Sensory Storytime for Special Needs Adults from the Durham County Library
- Sensory Storytimes by Esther Moberg
- Sensory Storytimes: Reaching Children with Special Needs in the Public Library by Emily Neal, et. al.
- Sensory-Enhanced Storytime at Douglas County Libraries: An Inclusive Program by Baldassari-Hackstaff
- “The Shirt Song” from the Seattle Public Library
- Special Needs Sensory Storytime by Carrie Rogers-Whitehead
- “Sticky Bubblegum” Storytime Song Jbrary
- Storytime for Children with Disabilities by Suzanne Walker
- Storytimes & Children on the Autism Spectrum from the Colorado Department of Education
- The Seattle Public Library Sensory Story Times webpage
- Using the iPad in Sensory Storytime by Ashley Waring