Programming for Youth with Disabilities–from ALSC
The Association for Library Services to Children (ALSC) has been talking about programs for youth patrons with disabilities for quite some time. ALSC bloggers and guest writers have contributed a wealth of information about library programs and services for such patrons.
- 10 Quick Tips for Marketing to Families of Children with Special Needs
- About Apps and Autism
- Adventures in Storytime: Starting a Program for Children with Autism and Related Disabilities
- April Is Autism Awareness Month “Partner Up to Reach Families in Your Community
- Autism in Your Library
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources: All Star Storytime
- Autism Spectrum Disorders the Focus President’s Program
- Beyond Sensory Storytime
- Building Autism-Friendly Collections
- Creating a Welcoming Environment for Kids with Sensory Issues
- Disability Awareness Training: Essential Tools for Your Toolbox
- Diversity: Special Needs at #alamw15
- How Summer Reading Programs Can Help Your Child with Special Needs
- Learn about Inclusive Library Services
- Learning about Disabilities
- Library Services for Children with Special Needs
- No One Came to Your Sensory Storytime. Now What?
- Programming for Children with Special Needs (part 1)
- Programming for Children with Special Needs (part 2)
- Programming for Children with Special Needs (part 3)
- Programming for Children with Special Needs (part 4)
- Programming for Children with Special Needs (part 5)
- Programming Ideas for Autism Awareness Month
- Programming on the Autism Spectrum
- Selecting Books for Special Needs Storytimes
- Sensory-Friendly Films: Family Programming for Autism Awareness Month
- Sensory Storytimes: A New Partnership with National Lekotek Center
- Sensory Storytime: A Brief How-To Guide
- Sensory Storytime: Preschool Programming that Makes Sense for Kids with Autism
- Sensory Storytime Tips
- Serving Parents of Children with Disabilities
- SNAILS: A New Model for a Library Networking Group
- Social Stories: Supporting Children with Special Needs
- Spotlight on the Schneider Award
- Stories on the Spectrum: Adventures in Outreach, Planning, and Programming for Kids with ASD
- Storytimes for Autistic Children
- Targeting Autism: Serving Library Patrons on the Spectrum
- Too Many Choices! Books to Read During Sensory Storytimes
- Top 10 Ways to Tell if Your Library Is Inclusive
- Volunteers in Your Library
- Working with Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Yoga as a Bridge for Serving a Cross Section of Your Library Population